A few people have asked (because it's in my bio) what I sounded like on the radio when I was a dee-jay. As my portrait here suggests, it was back in the DARK AGES!
If you've spent much time in the Washington, DC market, you probably heard that once upon a time, the dominant CHR station was WPGC. That was us! I spent time there doing mid-days, afternoons, evenings and for a couple of years, mornings with my trusty side-kick Joe Theissman, along with the news-guy, J.Robert Howe and our traffic guy was Glenn Beck. (YES, that Glenn Beck.) But, I'm getting way ahead of myself on the timeline.
A former intern (from Z100) and now good friend in the video business came across an aircheck of yours truly, doing mid-days circa 1979 and was kind enough to share it. So, I'm sharing it here with you now. I'm not sure what insights you'll gain from listening, I just hope you'll get a few laughs. Click HERE and lend an ear. I hope you enjoy it.