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I have enjoyed working with The End for a long time. The force of CHR is strong with this one. Add a great sense of humor and a reverence for the music and you've got an amazing station. Give a listen and see if you don't giggle, at least once. (Updated 21 November 2015)
Demi Weekend - Matt Wheeler
00:00LPS Bahamas - Matt Wheeler
00:006 Flags/Fright Fest - Matt Wheeler
00:00Thanksgiving 2015 - A - Matt Wheeler
00:00Get Ed In Bed - Matt Wheeler
00:00Paramore/Teen Choice - Matt Wheeler
00:00Wiz/Hi Noon - Matt Wheeler
00:00Thanksgiving 2015 B - Matt Wheeler
00:00Imagine Dragons Weekend - Matt Wheeler
00:00Rock In Rio - Matt Wheeler
00:005SOS Rock Out - Matt Wheeler
00:00Thanksgiving 2015 C - Matt Wheeler
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